Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Advantages of Breast Feeding for Newborns: Benefits of Breast feeding for Mothers

The benefits of breast feeding are numerous and far reaching. Breast milk is ideal for the baby, and breastfeeding benefits further than basic nutrition. Breast feeding is known to reduce the risk of infant deaths and prevent obesity in adulthood. Breast feeding has its own sets of benefits for the mothers. This article provides information about advantages of breast feeding for both the newborn and mothers.
Breastfeeding Protects the
Baby from a Host of Illnesses
Advantages of Breast Feeding: Breastfeeding Protects From a Host of Diseases

In addition to providing your baby with all the essential vitamins and nutrients in the first six months of life, breast milk is loaded with disease battling agents which shield your baby from a multitude of disorders and illness. 

  • Breast fed babies are lesser prone to GI tract infections, respiratory illnesses, ear infections, and meningitis; even when they do occur, they are less severe in intensity. Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months proffers maximum protection.
  • Secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) present in colostrum, the first milk your body synthesizes for your baby provides a great deal of the protective effect. The immunoglobulin is present in lower concentrations in mature breast milk. It wards off microbes from entering the body by forming a defensive layer on the mucous membranes in the baby's mouth, nose, ear, throat and bowels.
  • Protection against diseases lasts beyond the breastfeeding phase; it reduces the risk of developing certain childhood cancers. Antibodies in breast milk give the baby's immune mechanism a boost.
  • Breastfeeding also helps avert various diseases that hit later in life, such as, atherosclerosis, type 1 and type 2 diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease. 

Breast Feeding vs Formula Feeding: Breastfeeding Can Protect your Newborn from Allergies

Breast feeding plays a vital role in developing the immune system of the newborn and hence babies who are breast fed are at lower risk of allergies compared to other babies,

  • Babies who are formula fed tend to have more allergies as against breastfed babies.
  • Secretory IgA present in breast milk checks allergic reactions to food by providing a protective layer to the GI tract. Without this protective layer, inflammation develops and the bowel wall becomes leaky. Consequently, undigested proteins cross the gut and cause allergic reactions and other health issues.
Breast Feeding and Cognition: Breastfeeding May Boost Your Child's Intelligence

Breastfeeding Boosts
Cognitive Development
Research says there is a strong link between breastfeeding and cognitive development. Prolonged and exclusive breast feeding appreciably enhances cognition in a baby.
Experts state that emotional bonding that occurs during breast feeding contributes to some of the brainpower benefits and that fatty acids present in breast milk play a pivotal role.

Benefits of Breast Milk: Breastfeeding Protects Your Newborn from Obesity

Breast milk can protect your child from becoming overweight or obese as he grows older. Children who are breast fed are less likely to become obese compared to newborns who are fed on formula,
  • Breastfeeding is known to cut down the child's risk of becoming overweight or obese. Breastfed babies eat properly until their hunger is satisfied, leading to healthier eating patterns as they grow.
  • Formula fed babies gain weight speedily in the first few weeks. This speedy weight gain is linked to obesity later on in life.
  • Breast milk has lesser insulin compared to formula. (Insulin promotes the formation of fat.)
  •   Breastfed babies have larger amounts of leptin in their system; leptin plays a role in managing appetite and fat.
Breastfeeding Benefits: Breastfeeding Reduces the Risk of SIDS and Immunization Side Effects

Breastfeeding – either entirely or partially lowers the risk of SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Babies who are breastfed are less liable to fevers after immunizations as compared to babies who are formula fed.

Benefits of Breast Feeding For Mother

Breast feeding also has several advantages and benefits for mothers,

  • Breastfeeding decreases stress and chances of developing postpartum depressionResearch and clinical trials state that women who did not breastfeed or stopped breastfeeding early are more prone to postpartum depression.Breast feeding activates the release of the hormone oxytocin; and oxytocin encourages a feeling of repose and relaxation.
  • Breastfeeding reduces the risk of certain types of cancer: Studies reveal that the longer a woman breastfeeds, the more she is protected against breast cancer and ovarian cancer. It's quite ambiguous how breastfeeding helps, but they say it may have to do with the structural changes in the breast tissue that is brought about by breastfeeding and that lactation suppresses the quantity of estrogen that the body manufactures.
  • Breast feeding helps lose weight: Breast feeding has a significant cosmetic benefit as well. It helps you shed surplus and unsightly weight rather quickly. Milk production requires a lot of energy; thus your calories get rapidly burnt up during the process of milk production.

Tips for Breast Feeding: Importance of Breast Feeding among Newborns

Breast milk has the most appropriate balance of nutrients for your baby's developmental needs for the first few months of her life. However, most first time mothers find breast-feeding rather taxing. Here are some simple tips to promote breastfeeding and make the process easy and trouble free. You may also follow a ‘breastfeeding diet’ to make certain that you’re eating right and producing plenty of milk.

Importance of Breast Feeding: Why is it important to Breast feed my Newborn?

There are a host of benefits that are associated with breast feeding. Most experts suggest that mothers should exclusively breast feed their newborn for at least six months, unless suggested otherwise by your pediatrician. Breast feeding is loaded with several health and developmental benefits,
  1. Breast milk is natural and more easier to digest compared to commercial formula
    Breastfeeding Provides
    Several Benefits to the Baby
  3. Breast milk contains several antibodies that protect the baby from infections and strengthens the immune system
  4. Breast feeding helps in creating a sense of bonding between the mother and the child
  5. Breast feeding is also associated with lower risk of gastric infections or abdominal colic as compared to formula milk.
  6. Breast fed children are more active and energetic compared to formula fed newborns
How to Breast Feed? Breastfeeding Tips for Mothers

Here are some important tips that can be useful for breastfeeding mothers. These tips are handy for first time mothers,

  • The first time you breastfeed, ask for help. Maternity nurses, your OB/GYN, the pediatrician or a lactation consultant can recommend breastfeeding tips - how to position the baby and ensuring that he is latching on properly.
  • Knowing the Right Technique
    of Breast Feeding is important
  • When you breast feed, make sure that you are comfortable. Support yourself with pillows. Cradle your baby close to the breast, instead of bending over or learning forward. Hold the baby's head with one hand. Persuade your baby to open his mouth wide, so that he will take in part of the areola. Look for regular sucking and swallowing.
  • If you want to disengage your baby from the breast, free the suction by introducing your finger into the corner of the baby's mouth.
  • Newborns feed every 2 - 3 hours
  • Let your baby feed from one breast completely, until the breast feels soft; this usually takes around 20 minutes. Then burp the baby. Thereafter, offer the other breast. If your baby is still hungry, he will latch on. If not, commence the next breastfeeding session with the second breast. In case your baby constantly feeds only on one breast, pump the other breast to alleviate pressure and safeguard the milk supply.
  • When your baby latches on, you will experience a gentle pulling sensation on the breast. The breasts will feel full and firm prior to the feeding, and softer and emptier subsequently.
  • To ensure that your baby is feeding well, watch his weight gain, see if he has at least 6 wet diapers daily, is content and happy in between feeds, and the stools are yellow and semi solid.
  • Whilst bathing, reduce the amount of soap that comes in contact with the nipples. Use breast pads in case the breasts leak in between feeds.
Confer with a
Lactation Consultant
Breast Feeding Tips: Know about Breast Feeding

Do not get discouraged if you find breastfeeding tougher than you expected. Feeding a baby every few hours can be very tiring, and it's okay to have a slow start.
Remember that the more often you feed, the more milk your breasts will manufacture. Talk to your health care provider or a lactation consultant if every feeding is painful or your baby fails to gain weight.
Your nipples may feel sore and tender for the first few weeks; it should resolve thereafter, breastfeeding isn't supposed to be painful. 

Breast Feeding Diet

Here are some simple diet tips that will help you improve the production of milk and be beneficial in general,
  • Make sure you consume a wholesome and healthy diet. Incorporate whole grains, legumes and fresh fruits and vegetables. It is advisable to take a multi vitamin and multi mineral supplement.
  • Stay well hydrated and consume lots of fluids. Avoid aerated and caffeinated beverages.
  • Sleep well and take adequate rest.
  • Be careful about what medications you take and always check with your health care provider.
  • Ask your pediatrician about giving your baby a vitamin D supplement, particularly if you are entirely breastfeeding. Breast milk may not supply sufficient amounts of vitamin D, and taking a supplement is advocated.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Colic in Babies: What Causes Colic and How to Treat it?

If your baby cries at the same time everyday and nothing seems to calm or pacify him, your baby may be having colic. It is important to identify colic in babies based on the common signs and symptoms. While there are different treatment options available to naturally manage the condition, it is important for new mothers to know what to do for colicky babies.

Babies with Colic
Colic is defined as crying for more than 3 hours a day, 3 days a week for more than 3 weeks in a healthy and well fed baby. 
Colic can be worrying for you as well as the baby. On the other hand, the condition is transitory; it tends to resolve in a couple of months. Colic is known to affect 25 % of babies. Invariably, it commences a few weeks after birth and ameliorates by 3 months. 

Sign of Colic in Babies: Symptoms of Colic in Babies

Clinical manifestations of colic include:
    Giving the Baby a Pacifier
    Helps Soothe Him
  • Expected episodes of crying in the baby. A colicky baby cries about the same time daily; more often than not, in the late afternoon or evening. The episode may last from a few minutes to 3 or more hours. The baby begins to cry suddenly and for no apparent reason. Your baby may pass gas, or have a bowel movement at the end of the episode.
  • The baby will cry inconsolably and it is rather impossible to pacify him. The cry is intense and high pitched.
  • Clenched fists, curled up legs and tensed abdominal muscles are common during an attack of colic.
Colicky Baby: What Causes Colic in Babies?

The exact cause of colic is not known. Experts postulate - lactose intolerance, allergies, immature GI tract, maternal anxiety, and differences in the way a baby is fed or comforted are possible causes. 

Treatment for Colic in Babies: Colic Remedies for Babies

By and large, colic ameliorates on its own, habitually by 3 months. You can give medications to manage the colic, abdominal cramps and flatulence. Talk to your pediatrician before giving any medicine to manage the colic. Homeopathy can be of great helps; the medicines are decidedly effective and work gently, without triggering any side effects.

Colicky Babies: How to Treat Colic?
Cuddling your
Baby Comforts Her
  • If you think your baby is hungry, feed him. Hold him as erect as possible, and burp him well during and after the feed. Whilst breastfeeding, empty one breast completely before switching to the other breast. This provides the baby more hind milk, which is richer and more satisfying than the fore milk.
  • Sucking is a soothing activity; give your baby a pacifier.
  • Cuddle your baby. Cuddling and swaddling a baby makes him feel comforted, protected and happy.
  • Gently rocking your baby is helpful too.
  • Sing to your baby. A soft tune is soothing and relaxing. Putting on soft music will be beneficial as well.
  • ‘White noise’ has been proved to be of immense use in pacifying a baby. Turn on the exhaust fan, or play a CD of environmental sounds, such as, waterfall, ocean waves, or gentle rain.
  • A gentle massage and a warm bath soothe the baby as well. You can gently massage the belly in clockwise direction using olive oil or almond oil.
  • In case nothing you do works, a time-out may help. Put your baby in his cot for 10 minutes.
  • It is taxing and stressful to listen to your baby cry for prolonged intervals, so give yourself a break and let a loved one take over.
  • Whilst you breast feed, you must watch your diet.  Check whether eliminating certain foods from the diet, such as, nuts, dairy products, spicy foods, citrus fruits, and caffeine helps. If you bottle feed, a new type of bottle or nipple may help.

Aromatherapy and Pregnancy: Safe Essential Oils for Pregnant Women

Aromatherapy is nurturing and comforting and promotes a sense of well being in pregnant women. It helps dispel stress, anxiety, and angst associated with pregnancy and also eases some of the discomforts that occur during the phase. However, you need to ensure that you use pure essential oils and follow an essential oils guide. Furthermore, for an aromatherapy massage, make sure you go to a licensed aroma therapist and masseuse.

Essential Oils Uplift Your Mood and Allay Stress
Essential Oils and Pregnancy

An important link between aromatherapy and pregnant women is that pregnant women have a heightened sense of smell. This must be taken in to consideration when choosing the essential oils, because it is vital that you enjoy the smell of the blend. 

Essential Oils for Pregnant Women: Essential Oils for Pregnancy

While aromatherapy is considered beneficial to relive anxiety and apprehension during pregnancy, it has a host of other benefits, 
An Aromatherapy Foot Massage
Offers Immense Relief

  1. Backache is extremely common in pregnant women. Given that, it is uncomfortable for a pregnant woman to lie on the belly for a massage, a good alternative is to sit astride a chair and lean forwards. The back can be easily massaged.
  2. Swelling and pain in the calves and ankles is another common complaint. A leg massage greatly relieves this discomfort. When massaging the legs, always use firm pressure up the legs and gentle strokes down the legs.
  3. To manage morning sickness, sniffing ginger essential oil helps tremendously.
Massage for Pregnant Women

Aromatherapy massage brings immense comfort to sore and tired muscles and joints; what’s more it helps fortify and lift your mood as well. For the massage blend any of the essential oils that are mentioned below with a abase oil, such as, olive oil, almond oil or avocado oil.

What Should Pregnant Women Avoid When It Comes To Aromatherapy?

Certain essential oils have a property described as emmenagogue, i.e. promotes menstruation; these must be strictly avoided. Their use is contraindicated during pregnancy. Avoid the following oils throughout your pregnancy – Lavender, Chamomile, Rose, Jasmine, Bay, Sweet Marjoram, Rosemary, Clary Sage, Basil, Thyme, Sweet Fennel, Hyssop, Verbena, Angelica Root, Myrrh, Cedarwood, Juniper Berry, Nutmeg, and Rock Rose. 

Also, whilst using the safe essential oils, use them in higher dilutions, such as, 3 to 4 drops in the bath and 1 % (i.e. 1 drop of the essential oil in 5 ml / 1 teaspoon of base oil) for massage.

Safe Essential Oils during Pregnancy

The following essential oils are tried and trusted favorites and can be safely used during pregnancy - Frankincense, Neroli, Ginger, Vetiver, Myrtle, Sandalwood, Mandarin, and Petitgrain. 

Essential Oil Blends for Pregnancy

Essential oils work well on their own and are individually aesthetically pleasing. However, creating your own aroma oil blend is fun! Blending is an art; and what’s more, you need to know which oils are complementary and which are not. You may blend 2 or more essential oils together, in a 1% solution with a abase oil.

  • Frankincense blends well with Vetiver, Ginger, Sandalwood and Mandarin.
  • Neroli blends well with Frankincense, Myrtle and Vetiver.
  • Ginger blends well with Neroli, Frankincense, Vetiver and Mandarin.
  • Vetiver blends well with Sandalwood, And Neroli.
  • Myrtle blends well with Neroli, and Ginger.
  • Sandalwood blends well with Vetiver.
  • Manadarin blends well with Ginger, Neroli, Sandalwood, Frankincense and Petitgrain.
  • Petitgrain blends well with Mandarin and Neroli.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pranayama and Breathing Exercises: Lamaze During Pregnancy

Correct breathing during pregnancy is exceedingly important, so as to ensure that your baby is receiving adequate amounts of oxygen and consequently all the essential nutrients. What’s more, deep breathing exercises will also help allay stress and anxiety associated with pregnancy.
 Breath, life and energy are intrinsically connected; and yogis call all the three Prana. Pranayama is a breathing technique wherein the breath is controlled; and this enhances vitality improves metal focus and expands consciousness. 

Pranayama Banishes
Stress and Anxiety
Deep Breathing Exercises: Lamaze Breathing

Breathing is deeply connected to our mind. Just as our breathing alters depending upon our mood, our psychological state can be altered by changes in our breath.
Conscious breathing provides oxygen and energy to the cells and augments cellular processes.

It perks up energy levels and enhances your mood appreciably. And, you breathe better; you feel better.

Breathing Techniques: Yoga Breathing Exercises

Pranayama proffers excellent and far reaching health benefits during pregnancy. The practice of Pranayama calms emotions; relieves, anger, anxiety, apprehension and stress; and helps to reconnect with our own being.
It is of particular use for those who have trouble sleeping; breathing correctly balances the mind and makes you feel tranquil. It boosts the ability to use the lungs fully and brings oxygen to all the cells of the body.

Regular and sustained practice greatly increases the sense of physical as well as psychological well being.

Deep Breathing Exercises Offer
Significant Health Benefits

 Breathing Exercises for Anxiety during Pregnancy

Bhramari or the Humming Bee Breath

  • Sit comfortably on the floor or on a chair. Ideally, you should sit on the floor and bend your knees in front of you. Rest your elbows on the knees and close the small flaps in the front of your ears with your thumbs. Relax your shoulders. Close your eyes with the fingers.
  • Slowly inhale; when you exhale make a humming sound.
  • Focus on the humming sound and feel the vibrations in your head, face, neck, spne, chest, abdomen, torso and limbs.
  • 10 rounds are recommended.
  • After you have finished the session, sit quietly, keeping your eyes closed, for about 5 minutes. You will feel the vibrations pulsing through your body, calming and stilling you, dispelling all anxiety and worry.
Breathing Exercises for Stress during Pregnancy

Samvritti Pranayama or the Equal Breath 

  • Lie down comfortably on a mat. Breathe normally and become aware of your breath.
  • Incorporate a mental count, such that the inhalation as well as the exhalation is equal.
  • When you inhale count 4; when you exhale count 4. Practice this for five rounds.
  • Gradually increase your counts to 5; and you can go right up to 10. However, do not attempt this on the very first day of your practice. Build up to 10 after about a week of sustained practice of Pranayama. Also, in case you feel that the lengthened breathing is causing you stress, drop to a number that does not give you tension.
  • Whilst performing this breathing exercise, you must focus on your body as well; relax all the muscles of the body.
  • When you want to end the session, slowly come out of it and set your intention to keep a thread of connection with this relaxation as you continue your day.

Understanding Placenta Previa: Low Lying Placenta and Bleeding During Pregnancy

The placenta supplies nutrients and oxygen to the developing baby as well as gets rid of waste products from the baby's blood. Placenta previa is an condition associated with abnormal positioning of the placenta in the uterus (low lying placenta), which in turn can be very dangerous for the health of the mother and the unborn child. Understanding placenta previa as a condition along with its symptoms and treatment options is important. While there are clear reasons, there are some risk factors associated with placenta previa.

It is vital to understand the causes of placenta previa and the treatment for placenta previa; and importantly, not get apprehensive and frightened if there is bleeding during early pregnancy or spotting during pregnancy. Confer with your obstetrician and she will advise you on the best course of management.
The placenta fastens to the uterine wall, and the baby's umbilical cord emerges from it. In nearly all pregnancies, the placenta gets attached at the top or the side of the uterus. In case of placenta previa, the placenta fastens itself to the lower aspect of the uterus.

By and Large, Placenta Previa Requires a C-Section
What is Placenta Previa?: Bleeding During Pregnancy

Placenta previa is a medical condition wherein the placenta partly or completely covers the cervix, between the uterus and the vagina. It can result in severe during pregnancy and delivery.
If you have placenta previa, your health care provider will recommend bed rest for a part of your pregnancy and you will in all likelihood have a caesarean section to safely deliver the baby.

Placenta Previa Symptoms: Placenta Previa Bleeding and Cramping During Pregnancy

The most frequently seen symptom of placenta previa is bright red, painless vaginal bleeding during the second half of the pregnancy. Bleeding may be light to heavy. By and large, the bleeding tends to stop without any treatment, but it is known to recur days or weeks later. Some complain of contractions. Occasionally, there may not be any presenting feature at all; and the diagnosis is made during sonography.

Complete Placenta Previa and Partial Placenta Previa

If the placenta covers the cervix entirely, it's called a total placenta previa or complete placenta previa. If it's at the border of the cervix or some part of the opening of the cervix, it is known as called a marginal placenta previa or partial placenta previa. If the edge of the placenta is within two centimeters of the cervix, but not bordering it, it is called a low-lying placenta.

Placenta Previa Causes and Placenta Previa Risk Factors

The placenta forms where the embryo implants itself. When the embryo gets implanted in the lower segment of the uterus, placenta previa occurs.
If the placenta is only just reaching the cervix, it may resolve; given that, with the expansion of the uterus, the placenta gets pulled higher up in the uterus, away from the opening of the cervix. On the other hand, if the placenta is right across the cervix, it not likely to resolve.
Risk factors associated with placenta previa include:
  • A caesarean section
  • Surgery to remove fibroids
  • Dilation and curettage
Placenta previa is commoner among women who:
  • Have delivered at least one baby
  • Had placenta previa with a previous pregnancy
  • Have multiple pregnancies
  • 35 years or older
  • Smoke
  • Are Asian
Placenta Previa Diagnosis: Pregnancy Spotting Diagnosis

Placenta previa is diagnosed via ultrasound, during a routine investigation or after an occurrence of vaginal bleeding.
Your obstetrician will avoid routine vaginal exams to diminish the risk of heavy bleeding. You will require extra ultrasounds to establish the precise position of the placenta before delivery.

Placenta Previa Treatment: Treatment for Low Lying Placenta

Your obstetrician will keep an eye on you and your baby to decrease the risk of complications:
  • The biggest concern with placenta previa is the risk of severe bleeding during labor, delivery or the first few hours after delivery. Bleeding can be life threatening as well.
  • Severe bleeding may require an emergency caesarean section before the baby is full term.
In case of little or no bleeding, bed rest at home is advised. Your doctor will advise you to lie in bed most of the time, sitting and standing only when essential. Avoid sex, it triggers bleeding. Do not exercise. Seek emergency care if you bleed.
If the placenta does not cover the cervix wholly, your doctor may attempt a vaginal delivery. If you begin to bleed severely, you will require an emergency caesarean section.

For heavy bleeding, you need bed rest in the hospital. Blood transfusion may be needed as well. Medicines may be administered to put off premature labor. After 36 weeks of pregnancy, your health care provider will plan a caesarean section.

If the bleeding won’t stop or the baby is in distress, you will require an emergency caesarean section, even if your baby is preterm.

How to Cope With Placenta Previa?: Managing Low Lying Placenta

When diagnosed with placenta previa, you are sure to be anxious and tensed about your delivery and how your baby will be affected. The following guidelines will help you deal better with the stress associated with the condition:
  • Learn all about placenta previa. Learning about the condition helps you feel less scared.
  • Be prepared for a caesarean section. Remind yourself that your baby's health and your health are more important than the method of delivery.
  • Take plenty of bed rest. Read about newborn care; balance your checkbook, systematize photo albums, read books, talk to friends, and stay happy.
  • Pamper yourself. Surround yourself with things that bring comfort, let people visit you, have a foot massage and listen to music.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mood Swings during Pregnancy: Irritability and Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a rather taxing and overwhelming time, especially during the first trimester. It is quite common to experience ‘pregnancy irritability’ and ‘pregnancy mood swings’, due to the hormonal changes occurring in the body. While there are simple lifestyle related adjustments, aromatherapy and medication that can be helpful, it is important to appreciate that your body is going through a whole lot of changes and mood swings and irritability are inevitable.
What Causes Mood Swings?: Irritability during Pregnancy 

Pregnancy hormones affect the level of neurotransmitters in the brain; everyone reacts in a different way to these changes. Some experience heightened emotions; others feel crabby and depressed. By and large, irritability and grumpiness flares up at 6 to 10 weeks, decreases in the 2nd trimester, and tend to reappear as the pregnancy comes to a close

  • You may be ecstatic at the thought of having a baby; and then may almost immediately experience a gamut of emotions - worry whether you'll be a good mom; whether the baby will be healthy; expenses of adding a child to the household; your relationship with your partner and other children; all this can lead to elevated levels of mental stress
  • Constantly mulling over - Am I reading the right books? Am I buying the right products? Will I know how to stimulate my child's development properly and build his self-esteem? can also wreak havoc.
  • Fear of child birth and associated activities can also stress you and result in a lot of apprehension.
  • Furthermore, your body is changing and you may be feeling unattractive and are apprehensive about putting on excessive amount of weight or looking fat.
  • What’s more, the physical symptoms of pregnancy, such as exhaustion, acidity, indigestion and heartburn and frequent urination can be demanding. It is common to feel as if you have lost control over your body and your life during this time.
  • Lack of sleep can also contribute towards stress and elevate your irritability
  • All this may take your emotions on a roller-coaster ride and make you feel irritable, stressed out and petulant; however, this is just a phase and will slowly melt away.
Talking to Family and Friends
Eases Apprehensions
How to Deal With Mood Swings?: Treat Irritability during Pregnancy

It is very important that you make a conscious attempt to look after yourself and manage the stress and bad temper during the tumultuous times. Here are a few tips that will ease the irritation and grouchiness:
  • You need to take ample rest and resist the desire to do as many chores as you can before your baby comes. Pampering yourself is an important part of taking care of your baby.
  • You must talk to your partner; tell him how you're feeling. This will avoid him taking your flare-ups personally. Spend good quality time together and nurture your relationship.
  • Do things that make you happy. Go for a walk, read books, draw, get a massage, see a movie or do gardening.
  • Talk about your worries with your partner, family and friends. Putting your apprehensions and anxiety into words helps dispel them and also give you an insight into the possible solutions.
  • Most importantly, you need to manage your stress well. Do not let annoyance and frustration build up, find ways to fight stress. Sleep well, eat adequately, exercise if your obstetrician permits, and have loads of fun.
  •  If you still find worry and fretfulness creeping in, take a pregnancy yoga class, incorporate Pranayama and meditation in to your everyday routine, or consult a counselor.
An Aromatherapy Massage
Will Help Alleviate Stress
Aromatherapy for Pregnancy Mood Swings

Aromatherapy is comforting and nurturing, and it promotes a sense of well being in pregnant women. Not only will aromatherapy uplift your mood, it also helps manage a host of discomforts associated with pregnancy. Nonetheless, do consult your health care provider whether aromatherapy is safe for you.
The following essential oils have been proved to be extremely safe during pregnancy – Frankincense, Ginger, Sandalwood, Myrtle and Neroli.