Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Treating Constipation in Pregnant Women: Pregnancy Constipation Home Remedies

Constipation is a relatively common problem during pregnancy. There are a host of causative factors that are responsible for constipation among pregnant women. Opting for over the counter laxatives is not recommended. Here are some natural home remedies and lifestyle tips for constipation during pregnancy for an effective and speedy cure.
Pregnancy Constipation and Constipation Home Remedies
Constipation affects at least half of all pregnant women. The primary triggers are an enlarging uterus, along with pregnancy hormones, which decelerate the passage of food through the digestive system. 
Nevertheless, refrain from taking laxatives; some are known to cause painful bowel contractions that have severe repercussions on the uterus. Opt for home remedies and food prescriptions to ease the constipation and regularize the bowel movement.
Causes of Constipation during Pregnancy

The principal cause of constipation is the hormone progesterone that causes a relaxation of the smooth muscles throughout the body, including the muscles of the GI tract. Consequently, food passes through the bowels more slowly. Here are some other factors that contribute to constipation during pregnancy,
  • Iron supplement that you need for anemia has a constipating effect.
  • The blooming uterus puts added pressure and constriction on to the rectum
  • Changes in the diet due to morning sickness are another significant cause
  • Stress contributes to constipation as well
  • A sedentary lifestyle further aggravates the problem
Symptoms of Constipation: Constipation in Pregnant Women

You are constipated in case you haven’t had bowel movement for 2 or more days. While constipation may be associated with a host of gastro-intestinal symptoms, some of the more frequently observed complains among pregnant women include,
  1. The abdomen feels bloated and there is too much flatulence and sensation of gassy stomach
  2. Stool become hard and difficult to pass
  3. Sensation as if you haven’t emptied your bowels completely
  4. Excessive straining for stools, which in turn can lead to piles during pregnancy. You may also see blood in stools
Dates Treat Obstinate Cases of Constipation
Constipation during Pregnancy Remedies: Home Remedies for Constipation in Pregnant Women 

Here are some simple home remedies that can be helpful in dealing with constipation during pregnancy,   
  1. Dates: the most effective remedy for the most stubborn case of constipation is dates. Dates are packed with beta D glucan which is a dietary fiber that helps battle poor bowel motility successfully. Dates add bulk to the feces, check sluggishness and reduce the transit time within the colon. Have 3 to 5 date every night. What’s more, dates are chockfull of iron as well, thus, they help prevent anemia.
  2.  Figs: Dried figs are equally effective in the management of constipation. Soak about 3 to 5 figs in water and consume them after ½ an hour. Drink the water as well.
Drink 12 Glasses of Water Everyday
Constipation and Pregnancy: Diet Tips for Pregnant Women
Here are some dietary tips to help you pass motion regularly during pregnancy,
  • Make sure that your diet has plenty of high fiber foods such as legumes and beans, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Eliminate denatured and refined foods such as white sugar, refined flour, fatty and greasy foods, cookies, biscuits and cakes. They tend to make you constipated.
  • Drink at least 12 glasses of water daily. A glass of warm water with one lime early in the morning helps regulate bowel movements. Incorporate herbal teas, broths and soups in to the daily menu. Steer clear of caffeinated and carbonated beverages; they act as diuretics and dehydrate you.
Constipation Relief during Pregnancy

Here are some lifestyle tips that need to be followed during pregnancy to avoid constipation and ensure an happy and lively pregnancy experience,  
  • Start your morning in a relaxed and stress-free manner, if possible, with a warm beverage
  • Eat fresh and lightly cooked foods, high fiber cereals and fruits and vegetables. Avoid processed, refined, pre-cooked, and instant meals.
  •   Incorporate these in to the everyday menu: mint, basil, caraway seeds, fennel seeds, prunes, raisins and sweet limes. These are amazing digestive aids that promote good bowel motility, dispel wind and perk up digestion and assimilation.

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